Public Health Advocacy Symposium: Confronting Health Inequities

Friday 3 December 2021

8.00-16.00 WA | 10.30-18.30 NT/SA | 10.00-18.00 QLD |
11.00-19.00 ACT/NSW/TAS/VIC

The inaugural Australian Public Health Advocacy Symposium, the first of its kind in our region, is designed specifically to develop advocacy skills and directions. This Symposium will explore, promote and discuss advocacy for public health, providing a platform for PHAI to work with committed advocates to build future collaborative advocacy efforts. A principal function of the Symposium is to build capacity to engage in effective advocacy and inspire action to address public health inequalities. This will be an online event.    


Discounts available: 

  • 10% off for members of Australian Health Promotion Association, Dietitians Australia, Environmental Health Association and Public Health Association of Australia.
  • 50% discount for students (student ID and .edu email required at registration)
  • Free LMIC registration for students, civil society members, unwaged, and researchers/academics based in low- and middle-income countries (contact to receive a discount code).